Random numbers in Python

I use the random module to extract random numbers in the Python language. The library contains several random number generators.

import random

How to generate a random number

This function is a random generator that extracts an integer between the included start and end values.

random.randint(start, end)


This script extracts a random number from 0 to 10.

>>> random.randint(0,10)

One of the possible results is the following:

>>> 2

The methods of the random module

The random module has many other useful features.

  • betavariate(alfa,beta)
    Generate a random number in the beta distribution.
  • choice(seq)
    Select a random element in a sequence.

    >>> seq=[1,2,3,4,5]
    >>> random.choice(seq)

  • choices(population, weigth=none, *, cum_weigths=none, k=1)
    Select k elements from a population with reintegration.

    >>> seq=["a","b","c","d","e"]
    >>> random.choices(seq,k=3)
    ['a', 'c', 'e']

  • expovariate(lambd)
    Generate a random number in an exponential distribution.
  • gammavariate(alfa, beta)
    Generate a random number in a gamma distribution.
  • gauss(mu, sigma)
    Generate a random number in a Gaussian distribution.
  • getrandbits(k)
    Generate an integer random number with k bits.

    >>> random.getrandbits(3)

  • getstate()
    Returns the internal status.
  • lognormvariate(mu, sigma)
    Generate a random number in a normal logarithmic distribution.
  • normalvariate(mu, sigma)
    Generate a random number in a normal distribution.
  • paretovariate(alpha)
    Generate a random number in a Pareto distribution.
  • randint()
    Generate a random integer from x to y (inclusive).

    >>> random.randint(0,10)

  • random()
    Generate a random number from 0 to 1.

    >>> random.random()

  • randrange( x, y [,step] )
    Generate a random number from x to y (excluded) with step step equal to one of default.

    >>> random.randrange(0,10)

  • sample( population, k )
    Select k elements of a population without repetitions.

    >>> random.sample(["a", "b", "c"], 2) ['c', 'a']

  • seed(a=None, version=2)
    Initializes the internal status.
  • setstate(state)
    Restores the internal state of an object.
  • shuffle( population )
    Change the order of items in a population.

    >>> x=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
    >>> random.shuffle(x)
    >>> x
    [8, 5, 6, 1, 3, 10, 7, 9, 4, 2]

  • triangular(low=0.0 , high=1.0, mode=None)
    Generate a random number in a triangular distribution.
  • uniform(x, y)
    Generate a real random number in the range (a,b).

    >>> random.uniform(0,4)

  • vonmisesvariate(mu, kappa)
    Generate a random number in a circular data distribution.
  • weibullvariate(alpha, beta)
    Generate a random number in a Weibull distribution.



Please feel free to point out any errors or typos, or share your suggestions to enhance these notes

knowledge base


  1. The Python Language
  2. How to Install Python on Your PC
  3. How to Write a Program in Python
  4. How to Use Python in Interactive Mode
  5. Variables
  6. Numbers
  7. Logical Operators
  8. Iterative Structures (or Loops)
  9. Conditional Structures
  10. Exceptions
  11. Files in Python
  12. Classes
  13. Modules
